By Jonni McCoy Published at Bethany House
What the book is all about?
Save Thousands of Dollars a Year!
The economy is tough, food prices are soaring, and there is constant pressure to have more even though we have less to work with. Enter Jonni McCoy, whose money-saving strategies allowed her family to go from two incomes to one while living in the San Francisco Bay area, one of the most expensive locations in America. Jonni's tried-and-true Eleven Miserly Guidelines are completely practical and easy to do, and they could save you thousands of dollars a year! This updated and expanded fourth edition of Miserly Moms reveals how to save money on groceries, see through warehouse clubs' "deals," celebrate holidays without breaking your budget, and spot sneaky marketing tricks.
Jonni's tips, tactics, and recipes are so easy that you'll wonder why you hadn't thought of them before. If you're ready to learn how to live well in a tough economy, start reading.
Who is Jonni McCoy?
Jonni McCoy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Prior to motherhood, she spent ten years as a senior buyer and supervisor for electronics firms such as Apple Computer and National Semiconductor. She presents seminars on living for less to women's groups and other conferences. She has been practicing her frugal ways since 1991. Jonni has appeared on The Gayle King Show and The 700 Club, and radio programs such as FamilyLife Today and the Dick Staub Show. She has also been featured in Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Family Fun, Working Mother, and Woman's Day magazines. Jonni and her husband, Beau, make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where they homeschool their children.
My thoughts about the book
Love it! I highly recommend this book to whoever wants to save some money on a monthly basis. This book is packed with tips and tricks on how to reduce your budget. It also has some interesting information. For example, I learned which products is worth buying at a warehouse type of store and what to avoid.
Since a few years, we have made modifications in our own way to handle money. For example, we cancelled some credit cards and the ones we decided to keep we made sure that the limit was at the minimum allowed. We are also wiser in our purchases and do not buy on impulse. We shop a lot before making a move. The last big purchase we made was our big screen tv and let me tell you it took over a year before one entered our house.
Since about a year or so, we have discovered the 50% sections in various stores in our area. We don’t hesitate to get veggies, bread and even meat at that price after inspection. The veggies are often used in soup, the meat often cooked right away and the bread put in our freezer. We have saved a lot of money by doing that.
While reading the book, I was glad to see which steps we have already taken and which ones we could consider taking to reduce the amount spent on groceries. We rarely eat at the restaurant and if we do we make sure we have coupons. With a family of 6 eating at the restaurant can become quite expensive… The author also included some very interesting recipes that I intend to try-out. She also included a chapter on crafts for kids with recipes to feed the birds, to make play dough or any other fun activity to do with your children. There is even a chapter on cleaning products with easy-to-do yourself recipes or tricks to clean like how to remove play dough from carpet or chewing gun from hair.
In the hard times we are facing with the current economy, it is refreshing to read this book and discover new ways to save. I think every family should have this book in their household.
Miserly Moms is available everywhere – even at or Get your copy as soon as possible and start saving!
I received this today, I can't wait to read it! Thankd for your great review!!!!
(TOS Maiden Voyage)