Sunday, December 13, 2009

40 loaves - Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day

40 loaves – Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day
Written by C.D. Baker
Published at Waterbrook

About the book
“Why don’t I have more faith?”
“Why am I so bored with Jesus?”
“Why are Christians so hard for me to like?”

There are many questions we’re not supposed to ask when playing by the religious rules. It makes people uncomfortable. So why is it that Jesus invited questions and even asked some of them himself? What is it that you’re afraid to ask God? It’s a risky prospect to begin asking–but far riskier to continue simply trying to get by without knowing. Author C. D. Baker asked himself 40 soul-searching questions which started a conversation in his heart and ultimately showed him more about God than He ever expected.

Can we become more honest with who we really are and find who God says He really is at the same time? Come indulge yourself in daily readings with an honest exploration of your secret fears and thoughts, and know that you will always be welcomed in God’s unconditional love.

Search me, O God … and know my anxious thoughts.
                                                                        –Psalm 139:23 NIV

Who is C.D. Baker?
C. D. Baker founded an award-winning business before redirecting his career to write full-time from his small farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is the author of eight books, including six novels, one of which was a finalist for a Christy Award. Baker has a Master’s degree in theological studies from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

My Thoughts
Right from the beginning of the book, the author specifies that asking questions regarding God and our faith is a healthy process. Unfortunately, often we get told that certainty and confidence is a proof of spirituality and asking questions – deep ones – disturb and show weakness.

When I first became a Christian, I doubted and asked questions. Lots of them, it was my way of decorticating the information I was receiving. I was told that I should just believe and stop asking questions. With time though, my faith grew stronger every day. The person who told me to just believe and stop asking questions realized that my way of doing things was healthy and wise in a way.

So when I received this devotional from C.D. Baker, I realized that as the years went buy somehow I entered the mould of believing without asking questions. Now twelve years later, I seldom stop and question. This book revealed to me the importance to continue seeking and questioning. Questions like

Why am I so desperate to be understood?
Why do I have a complaining spirit?
Why am I bored with church, the Bible, and Jesus?
Why are my feelings so easily hurt?
Why do I only pray in emergencies?

As David cried out to God so many times, I want to questions and seek Him. Discover what He has to say to me on my deep questions. I also pray that my children will questions continually so that their faith can grow. Just like we asked questions upon questions when we were 3-4-5 years old, I pray that we (as a family) will ask God deep questions about us, our faith, our situation, and listen for His answers.

Each devotion start with a question and some thoughts from the author about it. Then to make you think even more, the author has included a small section titled Food for Thought which contains specific questions concerning yourself and the devotion you’ve just read. Finally, at the end of the devotion you will find a prayer which is either taken from an old book or the Psalms. And I must say that the prayers have been wisely chosen to the devotion attached.

I particularly love the cover of the book. The hand-made bread loaves are so inviting to sit down with the Father and spend some time with Him. If you are looking for a devotion that will strengthen your faith in 2010, I would suggest that you get 40 Loaves – Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day.

This review was possible because I received a copy of 40 loaves – Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day from Waterbook.
40 loaves is available at every bookstore even on and

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