Monday, August 13, 2007


This is how I feel these days... as the school year approaching, I have more and more doubts.   I am indeed attacked by the enemy   putting doubts in my head and making me feel as thought I am worthless.   I HATE IT!    But being over-sensitive since the pregnancy it probably not helping.

So to overcome this feeling this morning, I homeschooled...  We did the devotional (and catching up on the days missed last week because of the Leadership Summit), we did MathUSee, we did Croque-Math (a french book on Maths), we did Je Lis... J'écris... (the French curriculum I bought for reading)...  Later today, I want to do Art with the Draw the Marvel Comics Super Heroes book we are testing for Toy Testing.   Oh and they went outside a bit...  Now they are all playing in the bedroom upstairs while I am boiling water for lunch - Pasta salad on the menu...

I am also fed-up with other things that I would prefer not to mention on my blog for various reasons...  I don't want to vent here.  I vent with my husband.  I cry  sometimes.   But I don't consider my blog a place to do this.   I am mentioning this so that if my friends want to pray, they will know I need prayer... 

Now it is said...  I don't have nothing else to say for now.   Thanks for listening - I mean reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to send you a big hug and let you know that I'm thinking about you and hoping that you're feeling better soon. Trying something new on top of a pregnancy just isn't a good combination for your nerves, stress level, etc. But, I want to affirm you and tell you that you are definitely doing the right thing.

