Thursday, August 2, 2007

Summer days!

As much as I want to go ahead with homeschooling there is always little disruptions that slow down the process...

This week, Monday wasn't too bad... but then on Tuesday husband and I decided to go out in the morning (thanks to my mother-in-law who came to look after our three boys) and we went to the war museum.   Some of you must think that it is a bit crazy but it was instructive and we are respectful for those who sacrificed their life so that we can have freedom in our country.  

Then I got a call from a friend at church inviting me over the next day for a swim...  How can you resist this with the weather we are having???  So off we went on a farm where the boys were able to hold baby rabbits and swim a lot in the pool.   We had fun.  Lots of it.   As I was driving back, my three boys fell asleep.   I was glad that my husband was working home so he could help me put them to bed.

At 3pm, the older two got up so I asked them to go play with the new toy we are testing called Word Launch from Leapfrog.  It is a game where they learn about phonics and new words.   Very instructive.   So homeschooling yesterday was - baby rabbits, swimming, devotion, and English phonics.  

Today, I would like to do more but somehow my head is spinning (literally) and I didn't have any alcool...  No really, it has been ages since this happened to me and I know it might be my high blood pressure.  However, I have no clue why it would be high...  So I will wait a bit and see if it will get back to normal - ie head not spinning.    Believe me it is not fun.   I have to be extra careful since I am 17 weeks pregnant.   As if I need this...  I should go do my own devotion now...

UPDATED -->   Called my OB around 930 or so.   Looks like I have low blood pressure...  Need to lay down today.   Thank goodness that hubby is working home this morning.  He has an appointment with a client this afternoon but then the kids go for a nap.   Right now, it doesn't feel as bad as this morning.  Still a bit dizzy but not much.  OB will call later tonight to see how I do.   If it gets worst, I've been told to go to the emergency...


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    The other night, I was very dizzy/light-headed. It's an awful feeling. Get some rest!


  2. I tagged you with an interesting tag. I hope you'll give it a try.

