Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hip Hip Horray!!! Alexandre WON...

Well , today was field trip with the class of my son.   More details soon about this.

On the way back in the bus, I realized I had a message on the cell phone so I picked it up and my husband is telling to call him back when I have a minute.   Which I do right away amidst the kids having fun in the bus.    So he tells me that Scholastic Canada called.  I'm surprised and asked "Why?".   That's when he told me that Alexandre won a contest.   I had registered him for a contest and he won 50 books.

Yes you read right... 50 BOOKS!  Horray.   All in French... Super!   I'm really excited.   It reminds me the time I participated to a contest with Bibliothèque Rose (a french series) and my mom was telling me that I shouldn't bother because we never win in these things...  Well I had won a box of Bibliothèque Rose books back then.   Unfortunately, I don't have them anymore...  But I still remember my mom's reaction when she learned I won.   She just couldn't believe it.

So in a few weeks, we should get the box and you can bet I will post some pictures of it...   I am VERY curious to see which books will be in there...

That's a nice surprise on a very tiresome day.  I'm exhausted....

1 comment:

  1. Seems both of our families are lucky this week!

    Good for Alexandre~ I bet he's pretty excited!

