Saturday, June 4, 2011

S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 4–His Sexuality

Sex.   A small word of three letters that occupy a HUGE place in a couple.  

I’ve heard it before – for a woman sex comes out of affection while for a man it is a need.    Ladies, getting a reminder every once in a while is good.   I find it helps me to readjust the priorities in my life.  However when you have 4 kids that you homeschool and you blog on the side to reviews products and books, well it could be tricky to be in the mood sometimes.   Add pre-menopause/menopause to the mix and you can have a problem if you don’t make an effort of being sensitive to your husband.    It is important to pray for renewed energy, strength, vitality and a good attitude regularly.

While reading the chapter I was also reminded that it can be difficult for young moms to be available for their husbands.  

The most difficult time to deal with the issue of sec is when the children are small and can’t do much for themselves.

So I would like to encourage the young moms out there not to forget their spouse and neglect him…   As for us, we still have a three years old but no little ones.   We are seeing changes in our family with our oldest becoming 10 later this month.    Already, he cares for his siblings when needed and I can’t hardly wait to have him babysit more regularly.

Lord, I pray that you help us to balance our schedules.  

Tomorrow the chapter will covers his affection.  Protect us from apathy, disappointment, criticism, busyness, unforgiveness, deadness or disinterest.   May we make time for one another, communicate our true feelings openly, and remain sensitive to what each other needs.   Close the door to anything lustful or illicit that seeks to encroach us.  Amen.

Read the post on Dandelion Seeds.

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