I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
365 Project–Day 177
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 30–His Future
What’s in store for the future? We don’t know but God can guide us in the proper direction toward something that will be good for us.
Not too long ago we had the hope of planting a church in the downtown core. For over many months we worked hard. We also held some Christian raves. For some reasons the church idea didn’t worked out… I won’t expand on the details. But the church plant has been transformed as a ministry. Another couple is taking it over – the transition is almost complete. The Christian raves are doing wonderfully good. Apparently the secular ones are not doing as good as before… Many are seeking a place where it will be clean – no drugs or alcohol.
But since 2 years (since we closed down the church) we were searching a new church but also where Rob could be involved in something. He had some ideas but we surely didn’t expect God to open a door and set things in motion when we had invited a couple for lunch one Saturday morning about two weeks ago.
The tiles fit perfectly and next Sunday – July 3rd – my husband is leaving for Calgary, AB to get some training to be a leader for a ministry in town. And to see the rapidity to which everything fell in place for him to attend is breathtaking.
God has poured passion again in my husband. He is dreaming of what he can bring and how he can help the group already in place.
1 Corinthians 2:9
No eyes has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. (Isaiah 64:4)
Whenever I read this scripture I think of how we were thirteen years ago – newly married, not knowing what adventures would come to us. It had its ups and downs but we went through it together. I don’t know what the future had in store for us, for the kids, for our family, for me… but I know that God wants me to trust Him and that He will guide us one step at a time.
Lord, I pray that You would give Rob a vision for his future. Help him understand that Your plans are good, to give him a future and a hope. Fill him with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that he may have a walk worthy of You, fully pleasing You, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You. May he live with leading from the Holy Spirit and not walk in doubt and fear of what may happen. Help him to mature and grow in You daily, submitting to You all his dreams and desires. Give him God-ordained goals and show him how to conduct himself in a way that always invests in his future. I pray that he will be active in service for You all the days of his life. Keep him from losing his sense of purpose and fill him with hope for his future. Plant him firmly in Your house and keep him fresh and flourishing and bearing fruit into old age.
And when the time comes for him to leave this earth and go to be with You, may he have a strong vision for his eternal future that it makes his transition smooth, painless, and accompanied by peace and joy. Until that day, I pray he will find the vision for his future in You only.
Psalm 92:12-15
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.
Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask of the LORD, that is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Jeremiah 31:17
So there is hope for your future, declares the LORD. You children will return to their own land.
My challenge to pray for my husband during the month of June is now complete.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
365 Project–day 176
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 29–His Faith
No matter what we believe it takes faith… because deep down when you start thinking about it, we choose our beliefs.
Faith is something we can’t live without. … Our faith determines what happens to us after we leave this world. … Confidence in our eternal future gives us a perspective on living in the present that is laced with confidence as well.
Oh don’t take me wrong – we can have doubts at times too – but I find that my faith will grow stronger when I doubt sometimes because it forces me to question and research the answer.
Take homeschooling for example. Every now and then, I wonder if our choice was good, if the kids are learning what they should be learning, if they meet enough friends an so on.I have periods of doubt. And then I go somewhere with them and a stranger tell me I am smart to do so, another one encourage me to pursue it – even though she asked me if they go in the school yard to meet other kids – yeah really. My latest encouragement was more recent. Someone I know came to me out of the blue to tell me she appreciates the fact that my kids were well-behaved, not talking too loud, not yelling, not running around and not bothering other people in a public place. She took me off guard. I didn’t expect it and she blessed me by saying to me “You do a good job. Keep it up!” I had tears in my eyes and said thank you because I needed to hear this – because sometimes I wonder…
To get back to my husband, I saw him struggling with doubt sometimes - when we made important decisions. But ultimately, his faith will determine the results. Bottom line is that we need to trust God in matters of Him being part of our lives. And He is…
Lord, I pray that You will give Rob an added measure of faith today. Enlarge his ability to believe in You, Your Word, Your promises, Your ways, and Your power. Put a longing in his heart to talk to You and open his ears to hear You. Give him understanding for what You are telling him in his dreams, through others or while reading his Bible. May he seek You, rely on You, be led by You, put You first, and acknowledge You in everything he does.
With You all things are possible. Help him to remember the times when You moved the mountains in our lives and opened doors when we least expected it.
I pray that his faith in You Lord continues to grow every day.
Matthew 17:20
… if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Tomorrow, as our last day of S.H.M.I.L.Y. for June 2011, the chapter is about his future.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Imagination Station Winner!
The winner of the books of the Imagination Station #3 and 4 is….
Congratulations Jen!
You have 24 hours to send me your mailing address so I can forward it to my contact.
365 Project–Day 175
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
I just love this picture of Jérémy observing what the lady is doing on Dominic…
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 28–His Self-Image
From the beginning of the chapter, the author mentions that
God has a time for everything and He works in us what needs to be done to prepare us for what is ahead. Having a sense of God’s timing brings the peace to wait on the Lord for it.
I couldn’t agree more. I know from experiences that it is true. We lived it in the past – multiples times – and more recently again with an opportunity for Rob to be involved in a ministry. Opportunity that arrived out of the blue. We definitively didn’t expect it.
But sometimes a person might be discourage when nothing opens for him or her. Like it or not everyone will go through a midlife crisis whether it is a short one or a long one. When we give priority to God, He leads us in every aspect of our life. I could recall how many times He has helped Rob in programming, obtaining contracts, opening doors for business and ministry. All we need to do it to trust Him even in the midst of discouraging times.
Lord, I pray that Rob will continue to find his identity in You. Help him to understand how much he is important through Your eyes and by Your standards. May he recognize the unique qualities You’ve placed in him and that he appreciate them. May his true self-image be based on the image of Christ. Amen.
Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
Tomorrow the chapter is covering his faith.
Monday, June 27, 2011
One Thousand Gifts–Week 3
31. Having a ten year old son who is very helpful
32. The opportunity to go away at a moment’s notice (we will go camping on Wednesday!)
33. Sunshine days after numerous rainy days
34. The laugh of my kids
35. Still having my Legos from when I was young so that my kids can play with them now… at the price of Legos these days it was a wise decision to keep them!
36. Seeing my husband being passionate again for a ministry. It is a sweet song to my soul!
37. Watching God opens doors so that hubby can attend a training session for a week in Calgary at short notice.
38. New friends
39. The smell of fresh bread the other day outside of the grocery store – and no I didn’t buy any…
40. A back-to-work bill that passed in the different levels of government this week-end so that we can receive mail again… (it’s weird not to receive mail… believe me.)
Transformers–Dark of the Moon Toys
In case you didn’t know the third movie of Transformers titled Dark of the Moon is coming out on June 29th. As much as we would like to see it, I don’t think we will be able to make it this time around. We will have to wait until the movie comes out on DVD more than likely. Nevertheless, Hasbro Canada has numerous toys based on the movie for your kids.
First before I present the product that Hasbro Canada has sent me, I need to show you the wonderful box that contained the products.
Isn’t it a wonderful idea for sending products to a reviewer? I am quite impressed to say the least.
The box even opens up as though it was a transporter truck…! Isn’t it awesome? A perfect box that can be reuse for a birthday!
Speechless. This is how I am right now as I look at the box itself. But this review is not about the packaging that I have received.
So here are the products that was included in the box I have received.
Transformers MechTech Action Figures
The MechTech toy line is introducing the new Transformers action figures. Each Transformers MechTech action figure comes with a unique converting MechTech weapon that is interchangeable with all other core Transformers MechTech figures. MechTech weapons can connect to each other or to Transformers figures to “power” them up. They change from vehicle-mode to battle-ready robot mode. As the battle rages on, keep converting them back and forth, so they're ready to face whatever their enemies throw at them!
We received the Bumblebee MechTech action figure which is part of the Leader collection. My boys have not seen any of the Transformers movie yet but they know about them via other sources like comics and television shows. They love Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. I personally like Bumblebee. This Transformers has grabbed my heart from the first movie. What my kids likes the most about the Transformers line of toys is that they can transform the toy form vehicle to robot in a matter of seconds. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised to see my husband or some friends visiting us playing with this particular item (right Tyler?).
Transformers Cyberverse Line
Race into battle with these 3-in-1 converting action sets! Your mighty figures change from ground-vehicle mode to aerial vehicle mode to battle base mode and back again. With launching missiles in both battle base and aerial vehicle mode, you and your fearless-looking figures can be ready for anything the enemy forces can dish out! As the battle rages on, keep converting back forth and keep your enemies guessing.
This particular toy is very flexible is you can see for yourself. Again from vehicles to a Robot reading to fight the Decepticons, your child will have a blast with these toys. Again we received the Bumblebee Mobile Battle Bunker to promote. I am impressed with the details included in this toy from the bright colors to the fact that it can convert itself easily.
And the “piece de resistance” for movie fans around the world – The Robo Power Cine-Mask which will allow you child to watch a ReadD 3-D movie at theaters close to you.
With this mask, your child should be ready to role-playing with more than meets the eye! Transformers fans can gear up and roll out with this Transformers Cine-Mask 3D Mask for an all-new, one-of-a-kind experience next time they go to the movie. Each role-pla mask – offered in Optimus Prime and Bumblebee style – functions as a "battle mask” to play out the Transformers fantasy as one of the Autobot characters. But it can also be worn while watching a movie at a ReadD 3D movie theater since it is equipped with RealD 3D lenses. You have to verify at your theater if they are offering movies with the RealD 3D technology.
I think this mask is out-of-this-world and will be popular with many fans. It would be different than wearing the regular pair of glasses offered in theater for sure. I can only imagine fans going to watch Transformers Dark of the Moon with these mask when it comes out in theaters… My only disappointment is that I won’t be able to bring my child to go watch a RealD 3-D movie. Why? Simply because I am one of many who have side effects after watching a RealD 3-D movie. I’ve experienced it while watching some movies back in the spring and will not attempt to watch another one just to see if I will have the same problem. Believe me when I say it isn’t fun whatsoever. And since my husband doesn’t particularly like 3D movies either, I don’t see my kids going to a 3D movie in a near future (unless the grand-parents bring them that is!).
Needless to say, I am impressed with the Robo Power Cine-Mask and how you can use it. Not only, you can use it as pretend play, but you can wear it to watch a RealD 3D movie. I applause the people who thought of putting such an item on the market. Goodbye boring sunglasses and hello originality! Now I wonder what other type of mask will come out in the months to come.
Having three boys and a girl in the family, I know that I will have to determine who will use this mask whenever they want to play with it. Each will have a turn that’s for sure.
All these wonderful toys from the line of Transformers Dark of the Moon are available at your favourite toy store.
Disclaimer: Thanks to Hasbro Canada for sending me the above mentioned products for review purposes . I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way. All opinions expressed here are only my own.
365 Project–Day 174
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
All you need is love….
The rocking chair from ‘68
1968 – there was a tv show named “Les meubles belles humeurs” which was for newlyweds.
My in-laws went and won a rocking chair.
In the early 2000s, my in-laws wanted to depart with it. They were going to put the chair at the curb I think… My husband immediately jumped on it and brought it back home.
2008 – the chair was in our basement… taking dust.
My husband felt it was time for him to depart from this beloved chair from his youth.
So we brought it outside and proceeded to take some pictures before he brought it to the Salvation army store.
He always sat like this apparently when he was younger…
After my husband sat for the longest time ever in his chair… the boys had to try it too!
It is long gone now… somehow I am sad that we don’t have it anymore… It would have been fun to have a picture of Jasmine on it.
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 27–His Obedience
Obedience to God is an important part of being a Christian. What does it mean though? Well, essentially we try to keep His commandments but also follow His specific instructions when He talks to us… which could happen via the Bible, people around us, at church, while driving…. you get the picture. When we are obedient we
find mercy, peace, happiness, blessings, plenty and life. Not living in obedience brings harsh consequences, unanswered prayers and the inability to enter into the great things God has for you.
As a wife I have seen how important prayers are for Rob in this matter. More recently, after a wait of over two years, an opportunity presented itself for him to be involve in a ministry in town. Totally out of the blue… we were have friends over for lunch and they started talking about this ministry they are involved with – actually she is the leader in Ottawa. Her husband was going on training in a few weeks… Rob was clearly excited about it. He considered it and decided to follow God’s lead on this. He wanted to go to the training. All the possible roadblocks disappeared in a matter of days (The deadline was passed and the training was three weeks away!). Everything fell into place to allow him to attend the training in early July. It is amazing! Only thing is that it is the first time he is leaving for one week. He is going to Calgary to get some training to become a leader in this ministry. I can see the passion getting reignited. I’m happy for him and I think it is a perfect fit.
The workers are few for this ministry and God is rising another one. I’m so glad that Rob is following His lead.
Lord, please hear my prayer as I ask You to reveal where there is any disobedience in my life – especially when it concerns Rob. Show me if I am selfish, unloving, critical, angry, resentful, unforgiving or bitter toward him. Highlight the times when I have not obeyed You or lived Your way. I confess it as sin and ask for Your forgiveness.
I pray that You give Rob a continued desire to live in obedience to You. Help him to bring every thoughts and action under Your control. If anything is place in front of him that is not from You, please reveal it to him. Remind him to do good, speak evil of no one, and be peaceable, gentle, and humble. Teach him to embrace the discipleship and discipline. Show him Your ways and teach him Your paths. Lead him in Your Truth.
May he be a praising person for I know that when we worship You we gain a clear understanding, our lives get transformed by receiving power from You. Help Rob to hear Your instructions and to obey them. Give him a heart that longs to do Your will. Amen.
Jeremiah 7:23
but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you.
Tomorrow the chapter is covering his self-image.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
365 Project–Day 173
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 26–His Deliverance
The 1828 edition of the Webster Dictionary define bondage as this:
BOND'AGE, n. Slavery or involuntary servitude; captivity; imprisonment; restraint of a person's liberty by compulsion. In ancient English law, villenage.
1. Obligation; tie of duty. He must resolve not to be brought under the bondage of observing oaths. 2. In scripture, spiritual subjection to sin and corrupt passions, or to the yoke of the ceremonial law; servile fear. Heb.2. Gal.2. Rom.8.
All kind of things can put us in bondage – temptation, people, self-destructive tendencies, and so on. It could be lust, alcohol, drugs, medications,… You get the idea. The important thing is to be praying about the bondage you are experiencing to see deliverance. We can’t do it on our own. At this point in our life, I don’t think there is anything that bonds my husband. But you never know when it could happen. Prayer is important even if you don’t see anything in your spouse’s life.
Lord, You have said to call upon You in days of trouble and You will deliver us. It is giving us a peace of mind to know that You are there at all times. If there is anything in my husband’s life that binds him, I pray that You set him free. Be a rock of refuge for him, for me and for the kids.
Help him to identify and recognize the work of evil, to stay confident that You are working in his life.
I pray that he will be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armor of God, so he can stand against the enemy’s schemes in our life. Help him to gird his waist with Truth and put on the breastplate of righteousness, having shod his feet with the gospel of peace. Enable him to take up the shield of faith, with which to avoid the darts of the wicked one. I pray that he will take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful and standing strong to the end. Amen.
Psalm 18:2-3
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.
Luke 4:18
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (also in Isaiah 61:1-2)
Tomorrow, the chapter covers his obedience.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Happy 10th birthday Alexandre!
On this day in 2001, I became a mother for the first time.
Today, Alexandre is celebrating is 10th birthday.
My prayer for him is that he will hear God speaking to him as he grows up and continue to help people around him.
Happy Birthday Alexandre! I love you very much!
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365 Project–Day 172
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
It rained a lot yesterday – the drain in our backyard had trouble dealing with all the water coming from everywhere… This is how much water there was at one point. Water came up to the beginning of the play structure. We were keeping an eye on it to make sure it wasn’t coming up more. It was close to about half of our backyard!
Fortunately it stopped raining and the water disappeared. However, the plans for our son’s birthday had to be changed because of the tons of water that was in the backyard…
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 25–His Repentance
What is the first thing we ask our kids to do when they do something wrong? Ask for forgiveness. But if they keep doing it over and over – repentance is in order.
Everyone will make mistakes. Sometimes when we are caught into something that we can not stop doing repentance is needed. What is repentance though? I love my husband’s illustration when he explained it to our kids. He always refer to one army movie where you see the guys walking and suddenly someone yells “REPENT”. Do you know what they do? They spin 180 degrees and start walking the other way. That’s repentance – turning away from sin and leave it behind you.
The author has explained the three steps found in the Bible needed to change a behavior.
First there is confession which is admitting what we did. Next, there is repentance, which is being sorry about what we did. Then there is asking forgiveness which is being cleansed and released from what we did.
Lord, I pray that if there is anything in my husband’s life that need repentance at this moment that You would convict him and that he will take the steps to remove it from his life. Help him to recognize his mistakes. Give him eyes to see Your truth, ears to hear Your voice, and a humble heart to turn away from what needs to be remove from his life. Amen.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Tomorrow the chapter will cover his deliverance.
Friday, June 24, 2011
OREO cookies anyone?
Every time we go to the US, I am amazed by the products you can get at the grocery store…
Take the OREO cookies for example…
We do have some in Canada – Regular, Double Stuff, Golden. And once in a while you will see the mint flavored.
But in the US…. wow! So many more choices. And I just love their packaging.
On the left – the Canadian packaging with could be a pain when the part to close the bag get unglued…
On the right – the American packaging open up and close with a self resealing process. Isn’t it amazing?
A few weeks ago, we were in the US and got the following flavors – Peanut butter (not my piece of cake but the kids like them!), Heads or Tails (with one chocolate cookie and one Golden one on each side) and the Summer one with the blue stuffing in it. Yummy!
Here’s an example of the packaging in the US. The bag is much smaller but contain numerous cookies. And opening it is so much easier that the Canadian version… To close it – simply bring back the section that opens back on the package and sealed it all around. Voilà! A two years old could do it…
And so much easier to stack in our cupboards… See the difference in the packages. Two of the American packages are equivalent to one from Canada.
It’s decided – when we go back in the US I will get more OREO cookies with their cool packaging and cool colors! And I will try to find other OREA products that we don’t have in Canada.
Mr. Christie, please do bring more fun OREO cookies to Canadians…
Disclaimer: I have not received any payment or products for this post. I just thought it was interesting that my American friends would have more products and cool packages compare to the ones we can find here in Canada.
Lola’s Magic Cube
Lola’s Magic Cube
Created by Beiz
About the app
Now Lola Panda is back with an all new and fun children’s education puzzle game. Lola’s monkey friend has accidently used Lola’s magic wand and mixed up the magic cube. Now Lola needs your help to solve the puzzles and put the cube back in the correct order. Use the magic wand to solve each magic cube puzzle and progress on to ever more challenging puzzles.
Designed with younger children in mind, children as young as 3 can enjoy solving the easier puzzles. Older children – up to 7 years old – will find there is enough challenge in the higher levels to entertain them as well. This game is designed to develop children’s visual, mental and concentration skills while having fun.
Our Thoughts
My First reaction when I first saw this app was that I didn’t like the fact that Lola the Panda was dressed as a witch. Magic doesn’t have to always be represented with a witch I find. But this is only a personal preference.
This little app is essentially a way for children to solve puzzles. Kid’s as young as three years old will have a blast to resolve the little puzzle that Lola will bring up for them! There are three levels of difficulty associated with this app; easy, medium and hard.
My daughter, who is three years old, has started with the easy level and quickly completed it. She then proceeded to attack the medium level which contains more squares for her to put together. What is interesting is that not only you can move the squares but you can twist them to put the at the proper place. A piece of the puzzle can be at the proper place but not at the proper position (example it is upside-down…). The challenge of putting the puzzle together get harder as you advance in the app.
The graphic are of high quality and when you complete the puzzle fun animations appears. You have six faces to complete one level of the cube before advancing to the next level.
I find the creators behind this app have though of a fun way to motivate the kids to do puzzles on the device. It is challenging and fun at the same time.
The app is available in various languages; English Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. The game uses the default language on your iPhone/iPod/iPad device. However, you can play the game with any of the available six languages by changing the device language setting (Settings – General – International – “language”). Personally, I would prefer to have the control of the language via the app.
Lola’s Magic Cube is available on iTunes for the price of 99 cents. This app is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
I have received 5 promo codes for this app.
Leave me the reason why you would like this app as well as your mailing address and I will send it to you! The first five people doing so, will receive a promo code for Lola’s Magic Cube. US and Canada only.
Disclaimer: I received the app for review purposes. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way. All opinions expressed here are only my own.
365 Project–Day 171
I am participating in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!
Every time we go to the US, I am amazed by the products you can get at the grocery store…
Take the OREO cookies for example…
We do have some in Canada – Regular, Double Stuff, Golden. And once in a while you will see the mint flavored.
But in the US…. wow! So much choices. And I just love their packaging.
On the left – the Canadian packaging with could be a pain when the part to close the bag get unglued…
On the right – the American packaging open up and close with a self resealing process. Isn’t it amazing?
A few weeks ago, we were in the US and got the following flavors – Peanut butter (not my piece of cake but the kids like them!), Heads or Tails (with one chocolate cookie and one Golden one on each side) and the Summer one with the blue stuffing in it. Yummy!
Love the packaging in the US.
And so much easier to stack in our cupboards…
It’s decided – when we go back in the US I will get more OREO cookies with their cool packaging and cool colors!
S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 24–His Talk
Ah…. The power of the tongue. Words can lift someone up or bring him/her down.
Our words can justify or condemn us (Matthew12:37). They can bring us joy (Proverbs 15:23), or corrupt and dishonor us (Matthew 15:11). What we say can either build up or break down the soul of whomever we are speaking to (Proverbs 15:4). The consequences of what we speak are so great that our words can lead us to ruin or save our lives (Proverbs 13:3).
Lord, I pray Your Holy Spirit would guard my husband’s mouth so that he will speak only words that edify and bring life to people around him. Help him to be disciplined enough to keep his conversation godly. fill him with Your love so that out of his heart will come words that build up people around him. Work it in my heart also.
May the words we both speak be words of affirmation toward each other and toward our children. Help us to be respectful, speak words that encourage, share our feelings openly and be able to have a mutual agreement. Amen.
Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Tomorrow the chapter is about His Repentance.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Deadly Disclosures
Deadly Disclosurse – A Dinah Harris Mystery
Written by Julie Cave
Published at MasterBook
About the book
How far will some go to silence an influential Christian voice?
FBI agent Dinah Harris now has a missing person's file to go along with a bad case of alcohol abuse and the depression she cannot seem to shake. Fighting to keep her focus, she struggles to find answers for why Thomas Whitfield, the prominent Secretary of the Smithsonian has vanished from his office with foul play almost guaranteed. Whitfield's body is eventually found, and Dinah is drawn into a frightening conspiracy, as more people begin to die, and Whitfield's faith is revealed as part of the motive behind his murder. Dinah finds troubling answers in an academic world filled with powerful financial endowments and a virulent opposition to the faith Whitfield only recently found. Can she reveal the truth before she finds herself the next silenced victim of a ruthless, unseen enemy?
First in a powerful new fiction trilogy!
Who is Julie Cave?
Julie Cave is a Christian Australian author determined to share the authority of the Bible and love of God. By writing fiction, she teaches both the Christian and skeptic the power of God's word and the saving love of Christ.
My Thoughts
From the beginning pages of this novel I was hooked on the story and on the characters. For a while you wonder what happened in the life of one of the main characters but you quickly deduct it while reading. A confirmation surfaces at the end of the book where you learn the history of this character. Needless to say, I didn’t know what to expect from this book but mystery, murders, investigation all intertwined together made it a book that I couldn’t put down… Now I am looking forward to read book two which is already on my night table and book three which I suspect is somewhere in limbo in our mailing system (since our postal service is on strike… sigh).
If you like novels that will keep you on the edge of what is happening and mystery, you will definitively be blessed with this first book of the Dinah Harris Mystery. You have Christian content, a fight between evolutionist and creationist, murders that seems to be coming from all angles and two very dedicated FBI agents who are looking for the truth.
While you read this book, you can feel and sense the research that the author Julie Cave has done. Not only does the mystery is well written but all the Christian arguments presented are true, straight and easy to understand.
This book would be a perfect novel to bring while on vacation. And I can tell you that when you will finish it, you will want more… Fortunately, this is the first book of a trilogy – Dinah Harris Mystery. Other titles in this trilogy are: The Shadowed Mind and Pieces of Light.
Deadly Disclosures is available at your favourite bookstore, even amazon.ca.
Disclaimer: Thanks to MasterBooks for sending me the books for review purposes. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way. All opinions expressed here are only my own.
Stella and Sam
Stella and Sam Backyard Twilight
By zinc Roe
About the app
Play alongside Stella and Sam and their dog Fred as they spend a night camping out in their backyard. Look for bugs in the tent, discover constellations among the stars and learn about shapes with the fireflies. From zinc Roe games, the makers of the award-winning Tickle Tap Apps, the Stella and Sam Interactive Adventures combine stunning animation with three elegantly-designed activities.
STELLA: “The night Giant is coming Sam. I think I can hear his big footsteps coming over the meadow.”
SAM: “I can too!”
The Stella and Sam Apps are based on the television show and the bestselling picture book series by Marie-Louise Gay. Stella and Sam books have been translated into fifteen languages. They have sold over one million copies and are loved by children all over the world.
each Stella and Sam Adventure features beautiful fullscreen animation , three fun and simple games, quick navigation by chapter and game as well as support for English and French .
Our Thoughts
Jasmine adores the Stella and Sam apps that we have. So when she saw that there was a new one to review she was jumping up and down and kept asking “I want to hear the story!”. I have previously reviewed In the Snow We Go as well as Rainy Days and Rainbows so I knew what to expect from this app.
This time around, I decided that I wanted to see the app in French. So I went to change the language settings of our iPad and proceeded to listen to the story. I am impressed with the translation of the story to say the least. However, having to change the language directly from the settings on the device is a pain I find. I would love to have the flexibility to choose the language directly from the app instead of having to change the language of the entire device. I love having French apps but the flexibility of switching between the language has a value for me as well.
Having said this, I would like to present you the Stella and Sam Backyard Twilight app. This time around Stella and Sam are camping in their backyard and plan to sleep there for the night. It reminded me when our tent was up in our backyard and I slept there. It was a time where you didn’t have to worry much about bad events happening, where I could drive my bike without a helmet, where I had to walk to go to school without worrying much, where kids would go back home for lunch time, and when television programs were cleaned for kids. I am pleased to see that the Stella and Sam television show is very good for kids.
The first activity that your child will have to do will be to find the bugs inside the tent. With the help of your flashlight, you need to cover the area to explore and discover the bugs that entered the tent. Then you have an activity where your child will have to play with fireflies to create a fun picture. This time around though, the fireflies are always drawing the same picture which I won’t reveal to you. Personally, I would have liked more drawings to be done by the fireflies but in the context of this app, this one is good.
Stella and Sam are also exploring the stars and using the stars your child will explore what image will come out of them. This time around you can discover multiple pictures from the Night Giant. Finally the Stella and Sam go to bed. Jasmine always say “Goodnight!” to them. Cute.
As I have mentioned before these apps are part app part video. It is perfect to use when you are waiting at an appointment to the doctor or dentist. Their graphics and frames are simply well designed and colorful for the children. I adore sitting next to my daughter and watch her play with her Stella and Sam apps. I highly recommend them to everyone who have toddlers and preschoolers.
Stella and Sam Backyard Twilight is available for purchase at iTunes for the price of 2.99$
Keep you eye open for another Stella and Sam title coming soon. Go-There-Square will explore magical places outside.
Disclaimer: I received the app for review purposes. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way. All opinions expressed here are only my own.