Monday, April 9, 2007

Ladybug lesson for Maths...

I was surfing the net... minding my own business when I got on this site.   And I saw this lesson for maths and I couldn't resist to share with you... My own children are a bit too young for this but I am keeping it in my favorites...


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know if I wanted to homeschool at first or not, either. Ten years later, though there are times my pre-teen makes me want to quit, I would never put them in the public system.

    What you said about the lack of supervision reminded me of an article a friend sent me last week. The link is:

    It is really sick stuff. That's L.A., not Ottawa or small-town Manitoba (where I am), but still.... Ugh.

    Cat, Lazy Creek Zookeeper
